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August 2017

Reminder, we are interviewing for our programs (scroll down to calendar) which begin this Fall most of which only start once every three years so don’t miss your chance to enroll.

If you are not interested in a full program many of the courses  within a program as well as our general studies and specialty courses can be taken individually.

Scroll down to read articles by our teachers on Flower Essences, Eclipses and Tarot. Enjoy!



Flower Essences-Food for the Subconscious

Laurie Szott-Rogers

Flower essences are healing waters, taken in oral form. They were originally developed by Dr. Bach an English physician in the early 1900s. He created the essences by floating flowers on spring water and using their resulting water for various emotional pains and patterns that were not addressed elsewhere in medicine.

There is very little plant material in a flower essence. They work on the principle of vibrational healing; more like the transformation experienced from beautiful music, or seeing an inspirational work of art, writes Patricia Kaminski in The Flower Essence Repertory, pg. 7. Patricia goes on to say, “That the light or sound waves which reach our senses may evoke profound feelings in our soul, which indirectly affect our breathing, pulse rate and other physical states. These patterns do not impact us by direct physical or chemical interventions in our bodies.”

Individuals all over the globe have created flower essences from their local flowers to suit the conditions of clients in their area and time. We use the f.e.s. brand from California and the Healing Herb essences from England.

My husband Robert and I have also developed flower essences from our beautiful Prairie flowers called Prairie Deva Flower essences.

We also teach courses in flower essences. The modality is a major part of our Earth Spirit Medicine Program. Students usually come into the program unsure of this particular stream, but after using the essences it sometimes becomes their favorite therapeutic tool. Flower essences therapy provides an in-depth and unique way for people to address their emotions.

Here are what some former students say about flower essences-

Flower essences are the closest I have ever come to being able to wield true magick. I can’t imagine what it would have been like to go through a whole life without the gifts and insights of this deeply powerful kind of spirit medicine.

I have been illuminated by my experiences and believe that by sharing this gift I can only encourage light the most elegant, graceful way possible.


I believe emotions, thoughts, feelings, are the foundation of our dis-ease, which can manifest as illness.

Flower Essences can bring awareness to the roots of those states so we can work through them and grow. By changing our perceptions of our past experiences we have the potential to bring about sometimes  profound changes and growth.

Christine R.

By taking the purest, highest vibration of a positive quality, anything lesser must surface and be released. In this way, the deepest healing takes place through an alchemical process of transformation.

The lead in our lives, our thoughts, our hearts, ourselves is transfigured into gold-our true essence.

Connie S.



Robert and I have also just completed a new book on our beautiful essences of the Prairies,

You can find more information about this book on the   site



Below is a link to the Earth spirit Medicine Program where flower essences and other plant based modalities are taught. We still have a few spots left. We are currently conducting interviews.

The program starts September

Want to learn about Earth Spirit Medicine follow the link

Monthly Solar/Lunar Cycles and Eclipses

 Catherine Potter

A few times a year we have lunar and solar eclipses which are not always visible from the locations we live.

When they are visible they are amazing things to view. From our perspective here on the Earth it appears that the sun and moon get eaten up by darkness so it’s not surprising that eclipses created fear and spawned myths and legends in ancient cultures.

Solar eclipses occur at the new moon and lunar eclipses occur at the full moon. Each month there is a new moon in a different astrological sign which is the beginning of a monthly cycle. At the half way part of the cycle is the full moon.

Although we have a new and full moon every month the eclipses take place only a few times a year.

Beyond being visibly stunning, from an astrological perspective, the period shortly before and after the eclipse can energetically be quite dynamic.

Although on their own eclipses don’t necessarily indicate dramatic events, in conjunction with other longer planetary cycles the eclipse periods can sometimes point to the time, in a person’s life, when things come to a head.

This would be similar to tension building on a fault line in the Earth, or an imbalance occurring in someone’s physical body or when there has been a concentrated focus on making something happen in one’s life. There will come a time when the situation erupts/shows itself and what has been building becomes apparent.

This is why eclipse periods can sometimes coincide with dramatic events unfolding.

As I mentioned earlier eclipses happen at either a new or full moon and in a particular astrological sign.  Depending on what astrological sign the eclipse is in and the aspect it makes to your natal chart determines whether it affects your chart in a positive, neutral or challenging manner.

On July 23rd we had a new moon occur at the very beginning of the astrological sign Leo (0 degrees). The upcoming full moon in Aquarius, on August 7th, which is a lunar eclipse is part of that cycle.

The upcoming, dramatic total solar eclipse on August 21st is at the very end part of Leo at 28 degrees which starts another monthly cycle.

Leo is one of three fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius are the other two. In combination with a few other planets we have had an emphasized fiery energy since mid –July through late August.

With some people the fire element acts like a warming energy which inspires, enlightens and brightens. For others it angers, irritates and when overheated burns and destroys.

Why is this important to know? If you have a tendency to be overactive or get irritated easily consider what “cooling” strategies, you can use so that you don’t get into overheated, irritating situations.

Monthly solar/lunar cycles are not as dramatic as eclipses however, they give us an opportunity to mindfully integrate some of the important “aha” moments we experience into our daily lives.


For information on monthly cycles go to or for information on Astrology classes starting this Fall click on the link below

Want to learn more about Astrology click here

The Hanged Man

Skye MacLachlan

I’ve never seen anyone do the happy dance when the Hanged Man card shows up in their tarot reading.  But once understood, this card offers a sort of safety valve to ensure that we’re moving in alignment with the highest good of all.

First of all a clarification, the word man in the Hanged Man, refers to humankind … woman, man, and children, it’s all inclusive.

Often the ego creates life experiences that are rooted in ridged beliefs and limiting thought forms.  When our lives are solely directed by ego, we can quite easily loose our way.  The Hanged Man comes to rescue us (though admittedly we may not experience this intervention with open arms) and get us back on track.

The rescue might appear as a crisis, an insurmountable block or a time out in the midst of one’s busy life.  The Hanged Man, shown hanging upside down in a tree, models that we must also reverse our usual way of perceiving ourselves and the world around us.  And as we take time to hang and pause, we become aware of outmoded belief systems that must be released and cleansed from our consciousness.  It is time to release, forgive, surrender and await the new enlightened awareness.

The Hanged Man’s head is surrounded by a luminous golden aura, a halo that indicates a process of enlightenment is unfolding.  As we surrender the burdens that our grasping, fear based ego has insisted we must carry; something transformational begins to occur.  We remember who we truly are and the god spark within each one of us begins to awaken.  We shift our focus from the endless hunger of neediness as defined by the outer world and enter into the peaceful caverns of our soul.

It is from this deep inner knowing that we begin to see our lives in a whole new light, awareness floods in and we are guided to move forward once again; however, this time in alignment with our soul’s highest purpose.

Here are a few examples of how the Hanged Man might appear.  If these examples don’t resonate with you, honor this.  Then follow this process:  identify the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck, release these beliefs (you might write them down and burn them), forgive those who you blame for your current circumstances, see your situation from a whole new perspective, let your highest knowing guide your next steps (this will feel like a big AH HAH).

Job loss:  Perhaps the loss of your job gives you permission to explore what you’ve always longed to do.  What would you do if you didn’t need the money?  Often our passions have the potential to develop into a prosperous career doing what we love.  Step by step I am guided by Spirit to work that is in alignment with my soul purpose.  This work is already chosen for me and will arrive in perfect timing.

Stagnant Relationship:  Has your marriage or long term relationship hit a dry spell?  What would it be like to view the relationship from your partner’s perspective?  Or if that’s what you’re currently doing (trying to be ‘the one’ that you think your partner wants you to be); what would it be like to listen to your own needs and desires in the relationship?  I’m now available to receive and give love and support in my relationship with (the name of your partner).

Health:  If you’ve been dealing with an illness, consider what you need to let go of in order to heal.  Perhaps your current health issues will open a desire to study alternative healing, leading you to a whole new vocation and vibrant personal health.  Divine Light fills every cell in my body with love and vibrant health.

When life spins you upside down, know that the Hanged Man has come to release all that no longer serves your highest good and guide you onto your perfect path.

Want to learn more about gemstones click here 

Want to Learn more about Tarot click here


September 2017

September 1-3  Diploma programs and general studies begin.
Whichever one of our programs you are enrolled in, Astrology, Earth Spirit Medicine or Crystalline Gemstone Therapist program, if you are in the diploma program, this is your start date.

Many of the general study courses, which are student favorites, are are open to the general public. Click on the picture to get more information.

October 2017

January 2018

January 2018
Applied Metaphysics  with Catherine Potter
Information TBA

begins in January. Check back for further details.