Instructor Bios
Our instructors have decades of experience in each of the fields they teach in, plus much life and teaching experience. The instructors all read, research and take courses to keep current in their various fields. They have worked with students for many years.
*Each of us have pioneered a job in a field that is unusual, before becoming an instructor, taking financial risks for what we believed in. Yet none of us were able to settle with being only our partial selves in our work lives. As we applied the techniques we learned from our various wholistic fields, we were not happy to just isolate them to a part of our lives, but needed to integrate them more thoroughly. We have this same hope and belief for our students- to live what they learn. Each of our students will have the opportunity to develop new skills and gifts they can apply to themselves, their families, jobs and communities. They learn to be more responsible creators and start to appreciate the impact their decisions have on the planet.
What sometimes remains unseen is the amount of compassion the instructors have for the students as they go through much learning and change. Also the amount of ingenuity each instructor has in setting up courses and programs to give students a mix of intuitive, experiential and field related information is seldom relayed.

Skye MacLachlan
Skye specializes in Feng Shui for the home and business. She received her Feng Shui Training in Penang, Malaysia, San Diego and San Francisco.
Skye is also a Tarot practitioner (since 1978). Read more about Skye’s, Tarot Certificate Program– and a certified Archetypal Dream Therapist.
She trained with Marcel Vogel, Gemisphere and Gem Formulas in various crystal healing modalities. An exciting new addition to the college is Skye’s Crystalline Gemstone Therapist Program,
Skye has also studied the shamanic techniques of journeying, extraction and soul retrieval.

Catherine Potter
Catherine has been a professional astrologer since 1986 and a certified hypnotherapist (1997), as well as a certified teacher in ayurvedic studies. Her introduction in the early 80’s to yoga, meditation & astrology rekindled a childhood fascination with all things mystical and a journey began. Weaving together Eastern and Western teachings, which includes training in different branches of astrology and meditation, has aided Catherine in creating her own unique teaching method and lifestyle. Catherine founded The Center College in 1994 and from 1995-2003 owned and edited Mosaic magazine.

Robert Rogers
Robert has been a student of plant medicine for over 40 years, including 18 years as a clinical herbalist. He is a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild and author of over forty books on medicinal plants of Western Canada. Robert has a Bachelor’s Degree in Botany. He has taught plant medicine for over 30 years and is a popular international speaker, well known for his “green man wisdom. ” He has a dizzying amount of knowledge about hundreds of indigenous plants. Robert and his wife Laurie are owners of Self Heal Distributing and Scents of Wonder, essential oils. Robert is the co-director of the Earth Spirit Medicine Program and co-director of Practical Potions, Aromatherapy e-course,
Contact Robert-
Visit Robert’s / Self Heal Distributing’s website
Robert’s Earth Medicine Consulting
Watch More Videos With Robert-
Recent books – by Robert Rogers
Mushroom Essences: Vibrational Healing from the Kingdom Fungi- North Atlantic Press The Cree Healer and His Medicine Bundle- North Atlantic Press (with 2 other authors- David Young and Russell Willier_
The Fungal Pharmacy: Medicinal Mushrooms of Western Canada
Go to Rogers for over 40 of Robert’s books.

Laurie Szott-Rogers
Laurie is a certified aromatherapist, flower essence practitioner, and dreamworker. She has taught about alternative healing for over 25 years. Laurie has an academic background in Applied Research and General Studies focusing on Women and Psychology. She specializes in creating aromatic blends. She loves teaching goddess mythology and facilitating creative projects and student transformations. She has studied with depth psychologists, Stephen Aizenstat of Pacifica University and Clarissa Pinkola Estes, author of-Women Who Run With Wolves. Laurie is an aromatherapist and blend creator for Scents of Wonder Aromatherapy, owned by Laurie and Robert.
Laurie is the co-director of The Earth Spirit Medicine Program and co-director of The Practical Potions, Aromatherapy Program,
She is also the director of The Wise Woman Within- Intuitive Counselling Program . Visit Laurie’s / Self Heal Distributing’s website
Laurie’s Dream Midwifery Consulting
Recent Books – by Laurie Szott-Rogers Go to- www.
Scents of Wonder: Aromatic Solutions for Health, Beauty. and Pleasure
The Path of the Devas
Healing the Goddess Wound
Healing the Goddess Wound Workbook
The Healing Goddess Oracle
Contact Laurie- Email