See what our students have to say

My time as a student at Northern Star College is a time I will always fondly remember; I was the only male student among seventeen ladies, but I was accepted by all and made to feel like “one of the guys”.
Our instructors (Laurie and Robert) are very knowledgeable in the subject of Herbology and Aromatherapy. Laurie and Robert soon became our friends as well as our instructors.
When I first started in Herbology it was for something to do in my spare time. This “hobby” very quickly grew and became apart of my everyday routine. I soon realized that there was a lot I did not know or understand. Northern Star College provided me with an opportunity to experience Herbology and Aromatherapy hands-on.
Before I attended Northern Star College the only means I had to learn about herbs was through books and the internet, this was not enough. After attending the college, I can now with confidence, go into the forest and fields and identify most of the local plant life and after wildcrafting turn them into something I can use therapeutically.
I now have the ability to turn plants into medicines for both internal and external use. I also have the ability to blend Essential Oils and also through a process of distillation take the life force that exist in every plant and bring it out in the form of an Hydrosol which can be used internally.
I now have my very own Herbal Apothecary and enjoy tremendously my new-found abilities. A large part of that ability is due to my instructors and class mates at Northern Star College – thank you very much, it was fun and interesting.
Ed Sheppard

Do you crave a grand but safe adventure?
Would you like a new deep and lasting friendship?
Or maybe you just want to escape Cubicle Land?
With Catherine Potter and Jonathan Hooton, all this is possible.
And more…
Sheena Ryan

I knew that Northern Star College was the next chapter in my life when I applied. I just had no idea the impact this chapter of my life would have on my entire being.
This school took me where I was expecting and then another 10 steps forward. I am armed with more experience and knowledge than ever before and they encouraged me to go even further.
This school has changed my life and I will be forever grateful for the opportunity they have blessed me with. Thank you, Northern Star
Jessica Earth Spirit Medicine

Feng Shui has been an all-encompassing experience that has supported me in understanding the natural and transformative flow of energy within myself, others, and the spaces (natural and man made) that surround me.
Applying to the Feng shui Program at Northern Star College was one of the greatest gifts I gave my self to begin uncovering the many layers of soul. The journey has just begun and I look forward to continuing my journey as I integrate Feng Shui into my life and the lives of others.
Britt Barteski

The Earth Spirit Medicine Program is so much more than what I had expected. The teachings I received help build a strong foundation with plants in a physical and spiritual way. The encouragement I received to follow my intuition and spend time with the plants in a meditative way opened me up to another level of plant medicine and communication that I hadn’t reached previously.
The Flower essence portion of this program cracked me open intensely and started a transformation that was much needed in my life so I may reach my potential and also assist others in doing the same.
The Practical Potions program advanced my Essential Oil Blending and developed my product making skills for the Etsy shop I run.
Lastly, I cannot say enough about General Studies. Here I found my tribe and created life long bonds; we have all grown in unstoppable ways. My only regret is that I cannot take all of the programs offered at Northern Star College of Mystical Studies!
Desiree Klassen

“Northern Star College has been one of the best choices I have made for myself, period.
“Though I loved university, when I began the Earth Medicine program I experienced a type of education that integrated every level of my being. My main thought as I was going through the program was: “I do not want this to end.” When I graduated from plant medicine, I continued with the Intuitive Counseling Program program and am set up to enter the Astrology program next time around. Each course I have taken has been deeply fulfilling in its own unique way.
Northern Star has given me the opportunity for tremendous internal growth, and this has greatly benefited my mothering skills, my marriage, and my career. Since graduating we have created a new section of our business that was molded completely around what I learned in the program. I am most grateful for the panel of teachers this college offers. Their level of mastery of their subjects is completely aspirational.”
~ Nicola Biggs, BA, IT
Owner of,,

“I live/love Astrology! It has proven to be the most dynamic and rewarding study of my life.”
“Being a passionate advocate of the ancient adage “Know Thyself”, I found that the Astrology course fulfilled that pursuit as nothing else has. It brought me to a much broader level of self-understanding and along with that came the deeper and most treasured understanding of others.”
~ Elizabeth Pawluk

“If you get the chance to go to the college seize the opportunity, you will not regret it.”
“One of the best decisions I ever made was to go to Northern Star Mystical College. The instructors are dedicated, knowledgeable and very approachable. In the last two years, I have learned so much and made some really good friends. It is a terrific learning environment and nice to share this with people who have common interests.”
~ Mary Sheehan-Harris

“Northern Star College has opened my intuition in many ways and I use all of the knowledge in my daily life and in my work as a landscape designer.
“The Feng Shui program at the Northern Star College taught me how to interpret the energies of my environment and how to create harmony and flow in problematic areas. My teacher is a wonderful mystical instructor.”
~ Adele B. Goodwin, BSc (Agr) Landscape Horticulture, Landscape Designer, Shamanic Artist

“The Goddess course has been fabulous for me.”
I have a long- standing interest in learning about women and how we came to be oppressed, and treated as a minority, in our own culture. I learned to look at myths and fairy tales to see how women have been discounted, and also to learn about the wonderful variety of possibilities there are for expressing our feminine natures. With eyes wide open to the past, I hope to help weave a future with more options for women.”
~ Marie Tovell Walker, Registered Nurse (retired) and Feminist Theologian; Lifelong student of spirituality & mythology

“The teachings have allowed me to begin to create my own career in the Plant Medicine world.”
“Going to the Northern Star College has not only brought me deeper knowledge of the amazing Mother Earth that we live with and upon, but with the guidance and support of the teachers within, I have re-awakened a connection with myself. This connection I will grow with and deepen into, as I continue to study at The Northern Star, and as I walk my path in life. I am also fortunate enough to be able to live and work with the knowledge I received in the Earth Spirit Medicine program. I now share, teach, and continue to learn about the Earth and all her offerings within the walls of Optimum Health Vitamins & Earths Aromatique. I am eternally thankful and grateful for the learning and knowledge that I have received thus far through my studies, and I am looking forward to the many more years I plan to be at this amazing school, with the best teachers I have had thus far!”
~ Sara Pedscalny, Integrative Therapist

“Attending the NSC has been the enlightening experience of my life both personally and professionally.”
Learning to harmonize my inner and outer world through Feng Shui, Goddess, Dreamwork and Intuitive Counselling, and Flower Essence have all been very powerful in my everyday life. Also the awareness of the levels of consciousness I’ve learned from Hypnotherapy has had a profound effect. I feel blessed to have this school to go to.”
~ Jeong-Ae Lalonde, Proprietor of Artifacts. Certificate in Feng Shui, current student in Intuitive Counselling and Hypnosis

“The programs are taught with integrity, creativity, and passion for excellence.”
“My experience, both personally and professionally was enlightening, fulfilling, and empowering.”
~ Terri Ehlert, Astrologer

“My experience at the College was like an elixir for me.”
As a Native that has been of the medicine lineage and then taking Science at the University, it left me confused as to how it could all blend together. The instruction in the Herbology course was exactly what I needed to make it all work for me in a way that satisfied my love for Science and a respect for my deep cultural roots. Awesome!”
~ Brenda Holder

“After graduating I feel that the opportunities are endless.”
“I have the confidence and experiential education to further my clinical work as a certified Herbalist. I am also on my entrepreneurial way towards developing my own practice. Even in the first few months of the Earth Medicine program I found myself using the educational tools; getting to know myself. The inter-personal skills learned are important in relating to a customer in the busy retail environment that I am apart of at Optimum Health Vitamins. The college and the professors have a great reputation in the community; this has shown in the increasing referrals and my clientele’s confidence towards me. There is emphasis on both education and spiritual development. The teachers are incredible. Much love and gratitude.”
~ Elaine Doucette, Integrative Therapist, Certified Herbalist, Aromatherapist, Iridologist, Flower Essence Practitioner, Biomeridian Technician
“I started out taking classes and ended up making changes in my life.”
~ Laurie Forchuk