What We Offer

Astrology is for . . .
Students gain an understanding of the natal chart and progressed charts. As well, they learn about making conscious choices through the study of planetary cycles, which occur throughout one’s lifetime.
This program tends to attract: students who are interested in the interconnectedness of the individual and the universe. From the mundane to the spiritual, the study of astrology is for counselors, hobby astrologers, philosophers and anyone who wants to use astrology for expansion and a tool to improve their relationships, health, business.

Earth Spirit Medicine is for . . .
Wholistic-minded people who wish to learn more about plant medicines. Students will learn about plant properties and techniques to use the plants therapeutically. Other courses connect students with the higher intelligence of both plants and clients. Students will also learn to make tinctures and beauty products. Herbology, aromatherapy, iridology and flower essences are specific courses offered. Students also learn the local “materia medica”.
This program tends to attract: People who have an interest in natural medicine and have visited herbalists, iridologists etc and now wish to initiate this path. Some have land and wish to grow, steam distill or wild-craft native medicines. This program may also appeal to students who currently work in, or own health food stores, young hippy or ecological types, natural healers, botanists, gardeners and closet alchemists.
NOTE: to become a professional, certified, herbalist through the American Herbalist Guild, 600 hours of case studies are needed after the program. To become certified in flower essences by the Flower Essence Society, additional longitudinal studies and projects are required. We are the only Canadian Institution with permission to aid this certification process. If the student wishes to apply they may do so after completing their 3- year diploma in Earth Spirit Medicine. There is always more learning to become experienced and maintain professional status. We encourage students to keep growing.
Read more about the Earth Spirit Medicine Program…
Watch Part 1 of a Mini Workshop about the Earth Spirit MedicineProgram…
Watch Part 2 of a Mini Workshop about the Earth Spirit Medicine Program…

Crystalline Gemstone Therapist Program is for…

Tarot Certification Program, is for . . .
The Tarot is an ancient tool of self-development and oracular guidance which has successfully met the tests of centuries of application.
This is an experimental course that uses a variety of techniques to unlock the symbolic mysteries of the tarot. It is appropriate for the beginner, the advanced student, as well as therapists.
Some students will come for self-development and personal use, some as a tool in their therapy practice, while others will be attracted to exploring a career reading tarot.

The Wise Woman Within, Intuitive Development Program is for . . .
Walk your true path and live your authentic nature. Classes will focus on fine-tuning intuition, birthing your creative projects and accessing wisdom through your dreams. Apply these tools when working with self and clients.
Class content will include: Find and Feed Your Intuition, Manifest Your Muse and The Sacred Dream Cave-
This program tends to attract: Women who have explored the new age realm and are curious to learn more about archetypal wisdom and their own personal insights. Some are in the helping professions, such as nursing, teaching, counselling. Others are business owners, retirees or closet mystics.
Read more about the Wise Woman Within Program…http://northernstarcollege.com/program/programs/intuitive-counselling-program/
Watch Part 1 of a Mini Workshop about the Wise Woman Within Program…
Watch Part 2 of a Mini Workshop about the Wise Woman Within Program…

Practical Potions is for . . .
The Practical Potions, Online, Aromatic Adventure is for women who love to create their reality, authentically with scent. The program will give you the knowledge to change your daily routines such as brushing your teeth and cleaning your home with commercial products, into tailor made aromatic adventures. Learn about 90 essential oils and carrier oils, in the certificate program, for home use. Learn about 70 essential oils, personality systems, natural perfume making, distilling and cosmetic making in the professional, diploma program. Express your “natural essence” and do it all at home, on-line, in your pajamas! These courses are very information and experience rich. They are taught by two experienced instructors, aided with an animated staff. All you need is a computer, desire to create with essential oils and high-speed internet.
More about Practical Potions
Laurie’s author page-Scents of Wonder, book www.amazon.com/author/laurieszott-rogers
Robert’s author page- Scents of Wonder Amazon.com/author/robertdalerogers

Practical Mysticism is for . . .
Do you have an open, flexible, curious mind? Are you willing to challenge pre-conceived ideas, test theories and be more attracted to discovery than the need to be right?
These courses are for anyone who has a fascination for metaphysical studies and wants to look at the nature of reality as well as the impact of natural laws and forces in their daily life.

Integrative Therapies (General Studies) is for . . .
The Integrative Therapies aspect of the diploma program includes a variety of mini courses to deepen Northern Star Students self-knowing and skills to work with clients. Students attend a variety of classes from ethics and communication to how to work co-operatively in a sacred circle. General Studies also provides exploration into mystical courses complementary to each students modality. Subjects such as crystal and stone helpers,meditation, breath work, archetypal wisdom and reincarnation are discovered.
The program inspires a depth of personal discovery and self awareness for novice to advanced students of alternative therapies. All Northern Star Diploma students are required to take the Integrative Therapies, (General Studies) program. Interested individuals not enrolled in the program may also sign up for some subjects.
Read more about the Integrative Therapies (General Studies) Program…

Workshops are for . . .
Anyone wanting to explore personal development and gain clarity and new tools.