Why this program could be worth far more to you than the time, money and energy invested.

One of the Northern Star College Graduating Classes
THREE YEARS: Students love that they can study juicy subjects for a 3-year period of time.
COMMUNITY: They love that they can do this in a community of like-minded students. “The other students are amazing- they love what I love. I feel connected in a new way”.
Our students are a vital part of the school. Some of them are coming back for their third, 3-year program. They create a supportive, curious community of explorers and modern-day mystics that enhance the journey of their fellow-explorers.
KNOWLEDGABLE INSTRUCTORS: They love how incredibly knowledgeable the instructors are.
Our instructors are experienced in their modalities and in teaching. Each instructor has carved their own path by learning about their fields in many ways and places before the information was more available and applying it to their lives and professions. We now work to help students create their unique way.
ACHIEVEABLE HOURS: They love that they can go to school and hold a job. “I have homework to do, but can also work as I go, due to the schedule. I just need a few extra days of the week off per month to do this.” Our schedule will allow you to work while attending school and cut the stress and costs of financing your education.
SMALL CLASSES: The classes are small and students are an important part of the school. This ensures students receive attention.
RELEVANT AND PRACTICAL: Throughout the 3 years they learn about themselves and the impact of their choices. They also develop skills to maneuver in the wholistic field they are entering. They are encouraged to apply personal growth techniques to their own lives and the lives of their clients.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: All Northern Star diploma students are taught courses in communication skills and Professionalism and Ethics in the Workplace. Professional conduct with case studies, site visits and field placements are encouraged. Hypnotherapy students can register with the Canadian Board of Hypnotherapy after program graduation.
SELF TRUST AND INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT: Programs at the Northern Star help you to access and listen to your intuition, so you may navigate more confidently through all areas of your life. When you learn to tap into your own intuition you will not need to rely on experts for this. Your dreams, astrological chart, home environment and health are all ways to gain insight to make good decisions. This self -knowing helps avoid costly mistakes and helps make valuable decisions.
MAKE MONEY DOING WHAT YOU LOVE: Says Martha Beck author and life-style coach. “Business, (the way you make your living), is undergoing a great sea change. A job with a large organization is no longer the bastion of stability it once was. Today, plodding methodically through bureaucratic structures and routines doesn’t equal economic competitiveness- not for companies, not for you as an individual. By finding what you love best, by taking your true path to your own North Star, you put yourself in harmony with today’s increasingly changeable economic environment and add value to every job in ways that are absolutely unique. Your skills and passion will stay with you when corporate loyalty fades, or technology makes your job obsolete”.
SAVE THOUSANDS ON TRAVEL: The instructors in this program have traveled the globe to pursue their studies and attended decade’s worth of courses. You do not need to spend money on travel and hotels, pursuing information as we did. These costs alone can add thousands of dollars onto your education and years of your time. Instead we will bring it all together for you in one place. With all the money you save on travel and airfare do something fun, or use it toward building your own business, or like many other Northern Star students become a life-long learner and come back and take other programs with us.