In My Mind’s Eye
2025 Program and Workshops
Who are we, what is our story, how do we live our lives and what does our future look like when we access and trust our inner wisdom, imagination, and creative, expanded mind?
Within us, lives a world of information that is accessed through images, feelings, sounds, subtle senses and archetypal energies.
In the six-month in-depth program, participants learn to deepen their relationship to themselves by learning to access and trust their inner knowledge and wisdom.
Through the use of imagery, anchoring, and creating a mind-heart-action connection, participants learn acceptance and integration of all parts of self, and how to be the creator of their life.
Scroll down for information about the 6-month, “In My Mind’s Eye” course and the advanced “Journey Through The Chakras” course.
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
― Rumi

Program Director:
Catherine Potter
In My Mind’s Eye 6-Month Program
October 2025- March 2026 weekly zoom lessons
Tuition $955
Start Date: Weekly zoom classes. Monday, October 6, 2025 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Workshop: Sunday, November 16, 9:30 am – 2 pm.
The “In My Mind’s Eye” course is for those who want to deep dive into working with their inner wisdom.
During this 6-month course, in a step-by-step integrative manner, we will blend mystical teachings with practical techniques to access our wisdom and creativity.
Participants will learn how to anchor in the present and use imagery to problem solve and create with.
End goal: Confidence and trust in one’s ability to be the creator of one’s life. A practice for centering in self, tools for image work and anchors to support mind, heart, action coherence.
Journey Through The Chakras
April 7 – June 9, 2025. Weekly Zoom classes. Monday’s 6:30 – 8:30 pm.
Tuition $425
Building on skills gained in the “In My Mind’s Eye” 6-month course participants, with feet firmly on the ground, will use imagery to deep dive into the chakras.
There will be an emphasis on anchoring the gained awareness into daily life.
Prerequisite: “In My Mind’s Eye” 6-month course.
For more information about enrolling in the “In My Mind’s Eye” or “Journey Through The Chakras” courses, contact catherinepotter@shaw.ca
Imagination, Imagery & Creation Workshops
In the Imagination, Imagery & Creation workshops, you can dip your toes into the world of imagery, and become knowledgeable about how to access your wealth of inner information, and use it to shape your life.
Imagination, Image
ry & Creation Part 1
January 2024 3 weekly zoom meetings
Explore the Creative realm.
Deepen your connection to your inner wisdom.
Discover your type of Imagery and how to work with it.
Learn to create a nourishing future.
Learn how to work and create with inner images, sounds, feelings.
Imagination, Imagery & Creation Part 2
February 2024 3 weekly zoom meetings
Deepen your ability to work with your inner wisdom and become the creator of your life. Create and align with a healthier, happier future.
Students will continue to develop their ability to:
Receive the image.
Interpret the image.
Transform the image.
For more information or to enroll in the Practical Mysticism workshops, contact catherinepotter@shaw.ca
These workshops are available for small groups or individuals. Please contact Catherine for more information.